"I will chant to my God for as long as I have being." Psalm 103 (104)
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recordings from St Romanos Hermitage
recordings from St Romanos Hermitage

St Romanos Hermitage incorporates the liturgical services of the eastern orthodox church which have evolved over the last 2,000 years to what they are today. Through them we seek -- as far as we are able, as much as we know of heaven from the books of Exodus, Isaiah, Daniel and Revelation -- to emulate the worship that occurs in heaven.
Everything in these services is either sung or chanted. The monks stand as has been the practice in all churches dating back to pre-Christian times. Icons surround the monks on all walls to remind us that we are in heaven with the saints and all with one voice entreat our Creator. Incense fills the air as do the prayers of the saints ascending to God, and candles everywhere remind us to stand completely still, as an unflickering candle flame, to illumine this world with the Light of Christ as burns in each of us.
Everything in these services is either sung or chanted. The monks stand as has been the practice in all churches dating back to pre-Christian times. Icons surround the monks on all walls to remind us that we are in heaven with the saints and all with one voice entreat our Creator. Incense fills the air as do the prayers of the saints ascending to God, and candles everywhere remind us to stand completely still, as an unflickering candle flame, to illumine this world with the Light of Christ as burns in each of us.

St Romanos is the patron saint of Orthodox musicians and is the patron and protector of this hermitage dedicated to and named in his honor. St Romanos Hermitage focuses on the development of music through both offering music lessons, composing and recording various genres of music, and conducting all music in the monastic services.
All monastic services are sung or chanted a cappella. St Romanos Hermitage employs both Byzantine and Russian musical styles but is also influenced by Anglican, Bulgarian, Irish, and European music which is employed to develop its own unique mystical and American reverent musical style. All services are in English.
All monastic services are sung or chanted a cappella. St Romanos Hermitage employs both Byzantine and Russian musical styles but is also influenced by Anglican, Bulgarian, Irish, and European music which is employed to develop its own unique mystical and American reverent musical style. All services are in English.
"Self-justification is not a monastic thing." -- Elder Barsanuphius of Optina
Written Music
Come Let us Worship God our King
Psalm 103
Great Litany -- Meena in 4 languages
Little Litany -- Traditional
Little Litany -- after Mark Bailey's Blessed is the man
Lord I have cried -- Resurrection -- Tone 7 Kievan
Lord I have cried -- Resurrection -- Tone 8 Kievan
Gladsome Light #1
Gladsome Light -- Byzantine Chant
Gladsome Light -- Dvoretsky
Litany of Fervent Supplication
Litany of Fervent Supplication -- f minor
Litany of Supplication -- Smolensky
Litany of Supplication -- e minor
Aposticha -- Resurrection -- Tone 7 Kievan
Aposticha -- Resurrection -- Tone 8 Kievan
Song of St Simeon #1
Song of St Simeon #2
Song of St Simeon -- Carpathian Chant
Song of St Simeon -- Byzantine
Rejoice, Virgin Theotokos -- Trubachav
Psalm 103
Great Litany -- Meena in 4 languages
Little Litany -- Traditional
Little Litany -- after Mark Bailey's Blessed is the man
Lord I have cried -- Resurrection -- Tone 7 Kievan
Lord I have cried -- Resurrection -- Tone 8 Kievan
Gladsome Light #1
Gladsome Light -- Byzantine Chant
Gladsome Light -- Dvoretsky
Litany of Fervent Supplication
Litany of Fervent Supplication -- f minor
Litany of Supplication -- Smolensky
Litany of Supplication -- e minor
Aposticha -- Resurrection -- Tone 7 Kievan
Aposticha -- Resurrection -- Tone 8 Kievan
Song of St Simeon #1
Song of St Simeon #2
Song of St Simeon -- Carpathian Chant
Song of St Simeon -- Byzantine
Rejoice, Virgin Theotokos -- Trubachav
"Vespers (Wednesdays) Orthodox Choral Music." Music for "Lord I Call" and the Aposticha for Wednesday daily Vespers in all eight Kievan tones, and arranged in four-part SATB harmonies. This 116-page document uses texts and translations for the Apostles incorporated without textual modification from St. John of Kronstadt Press and Reader Isaac E. Lambertsen and used with their permission. - Contact St Romanos Hermitage for a copy of this music (arranged by St Romanos Hermitage) |
O Champion Dread -- Byzantine
Matins Canon Common Katavasia -- Tone 6
Matins Canon Common Theotokia Irmoi -- Tone 4
Matins Canon Refrains
Matins Magnification -- Apostle Andrew
Matins Magnification -- Apostle Matthew
Matins Magnification -- St Nectarius
Matins Magnification -- St Panteleimon
Matins Magnification -- St Raphael, Bishop of Brooklyn
Matins Sedalen -- Joy of all who sorrow
Magnificat -- Yablochinsky Monastery
Divine Liturgy:
Great Litany -- Romanian in 4 languages
1st Antiphon -- Krasnostovsky 2-part
1st Antiphon
Little Litany -- in 4 languages
2nd Antiphon
Litany before Beatitudes -- Soloviev
Beatitudes -- Poltavskoye
Beatitudes -- Sarov
Beatitudes -- Znamenny 2-part
O Lord save the pious
Litany of Supplication after Lovovsky Cherubic hymn
And all mankind
Theotokion #1
Theotokion #2
It is truly meet
Our Father -- Kedrov
Our Father #2
Receive the body -- English and Russian
Receive the body -- 2-part
We have seen the true light & Let our mouths -- 2-part
Litany after We have seen the true light
1st Antiphon -- Krasnostovsky 2-part
1st Antiphon
Little Litany -- in 4 languages
2nd Antiphon
Litany before Beatitudes -- Soloviev
Beatitudes -- Poltavskoye
Beatitudes -- Sarov
Beatitudes -- Znamenny 2-part
O Lord save the pious
Litany of Supplication after Lovovsky Cherubic hymn
And all mankind
Theotokion #1
Theotokion #2
It is truly meet
Our Father -- Kedrov
Our Father #2
Receive the body -- English and Russian
Receive the body -- 2-part
We have seen the true light & Let our mouths -- 2-part
Litany after We have seen the true light
Great Prokeimenon #1 -- Tone 7
Great Prokeimenon #2 -- Tone 7
Prokeimenon -- Tone 1 -- My mouth shall speak wisdom
Prokeimenon -- Tone 2 -- My mouth shall speak wisdom
Prokeimenon -- Tone 4 -- Sing to the Lord a new song
Prokeimenon -- Tone 4 -- The Lord has shown wonders of His will
Prokeimenon -- Tone 4 -- Wondrous in His saints
Prokeimenon -- Wednesday, Tone 5 -- Save me O God
Prokeimenon -- Saturday -- Tone 6 Znamenny
Prokeimenon -- Tone 7 -- Death of His saints
Prokeimenon -- Tone 7 -- Forerunner
Prokeimenon -- Tone 7 -- Righteous one shall rejoice
Prokeimenon -- Tone 7 -- Saints be exalted
Prokeimenon -- Tone 7 -- Day after Transfiguration (Our God is in heaven and earth)
Prokeimena -- Two Saturday Prokeimena
Prokeimena -- Daily -- Znamenny
Prokeimena -- Daily -- Byzantine
Great Prokeimenon #2 -- Tone 7
Prokeimenon -- Tone 1 -- My mouth shall speak wisdom
Prokeimenon -- Tone 2 -- My mouth shall speak wisdom
Prokeimenon -- Tone 4 -- Sing to the Lord a new song
Prokeimenon -- Tone 4 -- The Lord has shown wonders of His will
Prokeimenon -- Tone 4 -- Wondrous in His saints
Prokeimenon -- Wednesday, Tone 5 -- Save me O God
Prokeimenon -- Saturday -- Tone 6 Znamenny
Prokeimenon -- Tone 7 -- Death of His saints
Prokeimenon -- Tone 7 -- Forerunner
Prokeimenon -- Tone 7 -- Righteous one shall rejoice
Prokeimenon -- Tone 7 -- Saints be exalted
Prokeimenon -- Tone 7 -- Day after Transfiguration (Our God is in heaven and earth)
Prokeimena -- Two Saturday Prokeimena
Prokeimena -- Daily -- Znamenny
Prokeimena -- Daily -- Byzantine
Lent and Holy Week:
"Lenten Season Orthodox Choral Musc." Music for "Lord I Call" and the Aposticha in Kievan harmonies for Sundays leading up to Lent and during Great Lent. This is a 136-page book, spiral bound as well for easier choral use. It also include Troparia, Kontakia, and some Prokeimena for Sundays leading up to Lent, as well as those during Lent. Printed in a clean and easy-to-read format, taking the squinting-work out for choirs, and enabling them to concentrate on the music. - Click here to download a free copy of this music (arranged by St Romanos Hermitage) |
Note: Matins Sessional Hymns to sing during priests' communion:
Sunday of Publican & Pharisee -- Matins Sessional Hymn
Sunday of Prodigal Son -- Matins Sessional Hymn
Sunday of Last Judgment -- Matins Sessional Hymn
Forgiveness Vespers -- Prokeimenon
Jesus Prayer #1
Jesus Prayer #1 -- women only
Jesus Prayer #2
Lord I have cried -- four stichera of repentance -- Tone 4
Lord I have cried -- stichera of repentance -- Tone 7
Vesperal Dismissal -- Lenten Troparia
Sunday of Orthodoxy -- Matins Sessional Hymn
Sunday of Orthodoxy -- Liturgy Antiphons
Sunday of St Gregory Palamas -- Matins Sessional Hymn
Sunday of the Cross -- Matins Sessional Hymn -- Tone 6 Kievan
Before Thy Cross -- English and Slavonic phonetics
Liturgy First & Second Antiphons, Third Antiphon
Troparion of the Cross -- Byzantine Tone 1
Lord I have cried -- Vespers -- Monday of the 5th week (2-part)
Sunday of St Mary of Egypt -- Matins Sessional Hymn
Palm Sunday: Matins Sessional Hymn
Presanctified Liturgy: I will bless the Lord
Presanctified Liturgy: Taste the heavenly bread
Presanctified Liturgy: Communion Hymn
Great Compline: O Lord of Hosts
Great Compline: Have mercy on me -- Valaam chant
Great Compline: after intercessions on Monday and Wednesday
Great Compline: after intercessions on Tuesday and Thursday
Great Compline: Ending Monday and Wednesday
Great Compline: Ending Tuesday and Thursday
Holy Monday: Presanctified Liturgy Prokeimenon
Holy Tuesday: Presanctified Liturgy Prokeimenon
Holy Tuesday: Drop, drop slow tears (sung during venerations)
Holy Wednesday: Presanctifed Liturgy Prokeimenon
Holy Wednesday: Holy Unction Canon Irmoi
Holy Wednesday: Holy Unction Kontakion
Holy Wednesday: Holy Unction -- Lord have mercy in English, Slavonic, Greek
Holy Wednesday: Holy Unction Prokeimena
Holy Thursday: 12 Passion Gospels Canon Irmoi
Holy Thursday: 12 Passion Gospels Troparion (Bridegroom Melody)
Holy Friday: Royal Hours
Holy Friday: Vespers -- Lord I have cried -- three stichera
Holy Friday: Vespers -- Aposticha
Sunday of Publican & Pharisee -- Matins Sessional Hymn
Sunday of Prodigal Son -- Matins Sessional Hymn
Sunday of Last Judgment -- Matins Sessional Hymn
Forgiveness Vespers -- Prokeimenon
Jesus Prayer #1
Jesus Prayer #1 -- women only
Jesus Prayer #2
Lord I have cried -- four stichera of repentance -- Tone 4
Lord I have cried -- stichera of repentance -- Tone 7
Vesperal Dismissal -- Lenten Troparia
Sunday of Orthodoxy -- Matins Sessional Hymn
Sunday of Orthodoxy -- Liturgy Antiphons
Sunday of St Gregory Palamas -- Matins Sessional Hymn
Sunday of the Cross -- Matins Sessional Hymn -- Tone 6 Kievan
Before Thy Cross -- English and Slavonic phonetics
Liturgy First & Second Antiphons, Third Antiphon
Troparion of the Cross -- Byzantine Tone 1
Lord I have cried -- Vespers -- Monday of the 5th week (2-part)
Sunday of St Mary of Egypt -- Matins Sessional Hymn
Palm Sunday: Matins Sessional Hymn
Presanctified Liturgy: I will bless the Lord
Presanctified Liturgy: Taste the heavenly bread
Presanctified Liturgy: Communion Hymn
Great Compline: O Lord of Hosts
Great Compline: Have mercy on me -- Valaam chant
Great Compline: after intercessions on Monday and Wednesday
Great Compline: after intercessions on Tuesday and Thursday
Great Compline: Ending Monday and Wednesday
Great Compline: Ending Tuesday and Thursday
Holy Monday: Presanctified Liturgy Prokeimenon
Holy Tuesday: Presanctified Liturgy Prokeimenon
Holy Tuesday: Drop, drop slow tears (sung during venerations)
Holy Wednesday: Presanctifed Liturgy Prokeimenon
Holy Wednesday: Holy Unction Canon Irmoi
Holy Wednesday: Holy Unction Kontakion
Holy Wednesday: Holy Unction -- Lord have mercy in English, Slavonic, Greek
Holy Wednesday: Holy Unction Prokeimena
Holy Thursday: 12 Passion Gospels Canon Irmoi
Holy Thursday: 12 Passion Gospels Troparion (Bridegroom Melody)
Holy Friday: Royal Hours
Holy Friday: Vespers -- Lord I have cried -- three stichera
Holy Friday: Vespers -- Aposticha
Paschal Season:
Christ is risen -- Bright Week melody
Christ is risen -- Greek phonetics
Christ is risen -- Obikhod & Serbian
Christ is risen -- English and Slavonic phonetics, Romanian melody
Christ is risen -- Russian melody, English and Slavonic phonetics
Christ is risen -- Georgian Chant
Agape Vespers: Lord I have cried -- Tone 2
Vespers Dismissal -- Paschal Season
Liturgy Dismissal -- Paschal Season
"Paschal Season Orthodox Choral Music." Music for "Lord I Call" and the Aposticha in Kievan harmonies from the Pentecostarian (St Thomas Sunday - All Saints Sunday). This is a 262-page book, spiral-bound to ease choir use. Includes Troparia and Kontakia for St Thomas Sunday - All Saints Sunday. Previous choir directors have commented on the neat, crisp/clean initial appearance of the music, making it already easier for choirs to sing. - Click here to download a free copy of this music (arranged by St Romanos Hermitage) |
God is the Lord
God is with us #2
Prokeimenon -- Tone 4 -- Out of the womb
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel -- men only
Once in Royal David's City
Silent Night -- Russian phonetics
The First Noel -- men only
God is with us #2
Prokeimenon -- Tone 4 -- Out of the womb
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel -- men only
Once in Royal David's City
Silent Night -- Russian phonetics
The First Noel -- men only
Evening Prayers -- Prayer of Forgiveness
Prayer of the Hours
Adam's Lament
Baptism: Robe of light
Small Compline: Prayer to Guardian Angel
Nocturn (Midnight Office): First Prayer of St Basil
Psalm 85 -- Tone 1 Kievan 2-part
Prayer to the Mother of God
To Thee, the Champion Leader -- Kievan Tone 8
To Thee, the Champion Leader -- to the tune "Joy of Heavenly Hosts"
Saturday Kontakion -- Tone 8, "Planter of Creation"
Orthodox Molieben of Thanksgiving Service (Sample)
- Contact St Romanos Monastery for a copy of this music (arranged by St Romanos Hermitage)
Orthodox Funeral Service (Sample) - Contact St Romanos Hermitage for a copy of this music (arranged by St Romanos Hermitage) Orthodox Funeral (for an infant) Service (Sample) - Contact St Romanos Hermitage for a copy of this music (written and arranged by St Romanos Hermitage) Orthodox Panikhida (Memorial) Service - Orthodox Panikhida (Tschesnokov, arranged by St Romanos Hermitage) (Sample) -- Contact St Romanos Hermitage for a copy of this music. - Traditional Orthodox Panikhida (arranged by St Romanos Hermitage) (Sample) -- Contact St Romanos Hermitage for a copy of this music. |
3: Pre-Feast of Theophany -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
7: Synaxis of John the Baptist -- Saturday Vespers
10: Afterfeast of Theophany -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
12: Afterfeast of Theophany -- Saturday Vespers
14: St Nina -- Saturday Vespers
15: Ss John the Hut Dweller and Paul of Thebes -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (glory)
16: Chains of St Peter -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
17: St Anthony -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
19: St Makarios the Great of Egypt -- Saturday Vespers
20: St Euthymios -- Saturday Vespers
21: St Maximos the Confessor -- Saturday Vespers
22: St Timothy & St Anastasios -- Vespers
23: St Clement -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
24: St Xenia of St Petersburg -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
26: St Xenophon -- Saturday Vespers
27: St John Chrysostom -- Saturday Vespers
28: St Ephraim -- Saturday Vespers
29: St Ignatius -- Saturday Vespers
30: Three Hierarchs -- Saturday Vespers
31: Ss Cyrus & John -- Saturday Vespers
7: Synaxis of John the Baptist -- Saturday Vespers
10: Afterfeast of Theophany -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
12: Afterfeast of Theophany -- Saturday Vespers
14: St Nina -- Saturday Vespers
15: Ss John the Hut Dweller and Paul of Thebes -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (glory)
16: Chains of St Peter -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
17: St Anthony -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
19: St Makarios the Great of Egypt -- Saturday Vespers
20: St Euthymios -- Saturday Vespers
21: St Maximos the Confessor -- Saturday Vespers
22: St Timothy & St Anastasios -- Vespers
23: St Clement -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
24: St Xenia of St Petersburg -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
26: St Xenophon -- Saturday Vespers
27: St John Chrysostom -- Saturday Vespers
28: St Ephraim -- Saturday Vespers
29: St Ignatius -- Saturday Vespers
30: Three Hierarchs -- Saturday Vespers
31: Ss Cyrus & John -- Saturday Vespers
2: Presentation of Christ (Meeting) -- Liturgy Antiphons
3, 5: Afterfeast of the Presentation -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers -- Tone 4)
3: Afterfeast of the Presentation -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers -- Tone 1)
4: Afterfeast of the Presentation -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers -- Tone 1)
6: St Julian -- Lord I have cried, Aposticha and Troparion (Saturday Vespers)
7: Afterfeast of the Presentation -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers -- Tone 1)
9: Leave-taking of Presentation of Christ -- Saturday Vespers -- Lord I have cried and Aposticha
10: Hieromartyr Charalampos -- Saturday Vespers
14: St Auxentios -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers)
19: St Archippos -- Lord I have cried and Glory Tone 8
23: Hieromartyr Polycarp -- Vespers
27: St Raphael, Bishop of Brooklyn -- Troparion
27: St Raphael, Bishop of Brooklyn -- Magnification
27: St Prokopios -- Vespers
3, 5: Afterfeast of the Presentation -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers -- Tone 4)
3: Afterfeast of the Presentation -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers -- Tone 1)
4: Afterfeast of the Presentation -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers -- Tone 1)
6: St Julian -- Lord I have cried, Aposticha and Troparion (Saturday Vespers)
7: Afterfeast of the Presentation -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers -- Tone 1)
9: Leave-taking of Presentation of Christ -- Saturday Vespers -- Lord I have cried and Aposticha
10: Hieromartyr Charalampos -- Saturday Vespers
14: St Auxentios -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers)
19: St Archippos -- Lord I have cried and Glory Tone 8
23: Hieromartyr Polycarp -- Vespers
27: St Raphael, Bishop of Brooklyn -- Troparion
27: St Raphael, Bishop of Brooklyn -- Magnification
27: St Prokopios -- Vespers
2: St Hesychios -- Lord I have cried
7: Martyrs of Cherson -- Lord I have cried
11: St Sophronios -- Lord I have cried
14: St Benedict -- Vespers
15: St Agapios -- Lord I have cried
19: SS Chrysanthus and Daria -- Vespers
25: Annunciation -- Liturgy Antiphons
28: St Hilarion the New -- Lord I have cried (2-part)
7: Martyrs of Cherson -- Lord I have cried
11: St Sophronios -- Lord I have cried
14: St Benedict -- Vespers
15: St Agapios -- Lord I have cried
19: SS Chrysanthus and Daria -- Vespers
25: Annunciation -- Liturgy Antiphons
28: St Hilarion the New -- Lord I have cried (2-part)
8: Apostle John -- Vespers
16: St Brendan -- Troparion and Kontakion
21: Ss Constantine & Helen -- Lord I have cried
16: St Brendan -- Troparion and Kontakion
21: Ss Constantine & Helen -- Lord I have cried
17: Martyr Isauros and those with him of Athens -- Vespers
25: Nativity of John the Baptist and St Fevronia -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
25: Nativity of John the Baptist and St Fevronia -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
1: Ss Cosmas & Damian Lord I have cried and Aposticha (Glory)
2: Robe of the Theotokos -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
4: St Andrew of Crete (Saturday Vespers)
5: St Athanasius of Athos -- Saturday Vespers & Troparion
7: St Kyriaki -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Glory). Troparion of St Kyriaki.
9: St Pankratios -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
10: St Joseph of Damascus -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
10: St Joseph of Damasucs Troparion
11: Great-Martyr Euphemia -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
11: St Olga -- Lord I have cried
11: St Olga -- Aposticha (Glory)
12: Martyrs Proclus & Hilary (Saturday Vespers)
12: St Veronica -- Troparion
16: 4th Ecumenical Council -- Lord I have cried
16: 4th Ecumenical Council -- Aposticha
17: St Marina -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
18: St Emilian -- Lord I have cried
21: Saints John and Simeon -- Vespers. And another version, very similar: Lord I have cried
22: St Mary Magdalene -- Vespers
23: St Phocas -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers)
24: St Christina -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
25: Dormition of Anna -- Aposticha
26: St Paraskeva -- Lord I have cried
26: St Jakob Netsvetov -- marked text only
27: St Panteleimon -- Magnification
28: Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, and Parmenas, Apostles of the 70 -- Vespers
29: St Kallinikos and St Theodota -- Vespers
30: Silas, Silvan, Crescens, Epenetos and Andronikos Apostles of the 70 -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers)
31: St Evdokimos -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers)
2: Robe of the Theotokos -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
4: St Andrew of Crete (Saturday Vespers)
5: St Athanasius of Athos -- Saturday Vespers & Troparion
7: St Kyriaki -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Glory). Troparion of St Kyriaki.
9: St Pankratios -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
10: St Joseph of Damascus -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
10: St Joseph of Damasucs Troparion
11: Great-Martyr Euphemia -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
11: St Olga -- Lord I have cried
11: St Olga -- Aposticha (Glory)
12: Martyrs Proclus & Hilary (Saturday Vespers)
12: St Veronica -- Troparion
16: 4th Ecumenical Council -- Lord I have cried
16: 4th Ecumenical Council -- Aposticha
17: St Marina -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
18: St Emilian -- Lord I have cried
21: Saints John and Simeon -- Vespers. And another version, very similar: Lord I have cried
22: St Mary Magdalene -- Vespers
23: St Phocas -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers)
24: St Christina -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
25: Dormition of Anna -- Aposticha
26: St Paraskeva -- Lord I have cried
26: St Jakob Netsvetov -- marked text only
27: St Panteleimon -- Magnification
28: Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, and Parmenas, Apostles of the 70 -- Vespers
29: St Kallinikos and St Theodota -- Vespers
30: Silas, Silvan, Crescens, Epenetos and Andronikos Apostles of the 70 -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers)
31: St Evdokimos -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers)
1: Procession of the Cross -- Lord I have cried
1: Procession of the Cross -- Aposticha
1: Cross -- Troparion (Byzantine)
1: Cross -- Kontakion (Byzantine)
2: Protomartyr Stephen (Saturday Vespers)
4: Seven Sleepers of Ephesus -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers)
5: Transfiguration Forefeast (Saturday Vespers)
7: Transfiguration Afterfeast (Saturday Vespers)
8: Transfiguration Afterfeast (Saturday Vespers)
9: Transfiguration Afterfeast (Saturday Vespers)
11: Transfiguration Afterfeast (Saturday Vespers)
12: Transfiguration Afterfeast (Saturday Vespers)
14: Dormition Prefeast (Saturday Vespers)
15: Dormition Liturgy 3 Antiphons
15: Dormition Lord I have cried Doxasticon in all 8 Tones
15: Dormition Afterfeast -- Liturgy Antiphons (for a Sunday during the Afterfeast)
16: Dormition Afterfeast and the Holy Napkin -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
18: Dormition Afterfeast -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers) (version 1)
18: Dormition Afterfeast -- Aposticha (Saturday Vespers) (version 1)
18: Dormition Afterfeast -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers) (version 2)
19: Dormition Afterfeast (Saturday Vespers)
20: Dormition Afterfeast: Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
21: Dormition Afterfeast -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
25: St Titus and St Bartholomew -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
26: Ss Adrian & Natalie -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
27: St Pimen
28: St Moses -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
30: Leave-taking of the Beheading and Three Patriarchs -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
1: Procession of the Cross -- Aposticha
1: Cross -- Troparion (Byzantine)
1: Cross -- Kontakion (Byzantine)
2: Protomartyr Stephen (Saturday Vespers)
4: Seven Sleepers of Ephesus -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers)
5: Transfiguration Forefeast (Saturday Vespers)
7: Transfiguration Afterfeast (Saturday Vespers)
8: Transfiguration Afterfeast (Saturday Vespers)
9: Transfiguration Afterfeast (Saturday Vespers)
11: Transfiguration Afterfeast (Saturday Vespers)
12: Transfiguration Afterfeast (Saturday Vespers)
14: Dormition Prefeast (Saturday Vespers)
15: Dormition Liturgy 3 Antiphons
15: Dormition Lord I have cried Doxasticon in all 8 Tones
15: Dormition Afterfeast -- Liturgy Antiphons (for a Sunday during the Afterfeast)
16: Dormition Afterfeast and the Holy Napkin -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
18: Dormition Afterfeast -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers) (version 1)
18: Dormition Afterfeast -- Aposticha (Saturday Vespers) (version 1)
18: Dormition Afterfeast -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers) (version 2)
19: Dormition Afterfeast (Saturday Vespers)
20: Dormition Afterfeast: Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
21: Dormition Afterfeast -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
25: St Titus and St Bartholomew -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
26: Ss Adrian & Natalie -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
27: St Pimen
28: St Moses -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
30: Leave-taking of the Beheading and Three Patriarchs -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
1: Indiction of the New Year and St Simeon Stylite Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
2: Martyr Mamas Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
3: King Edward Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
3: St Theoctistus -- Troparion
4: Hieromartyr Babylas -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
5: Zachariah & Elizabeth -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
6: Archangel Michael -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
8: Nativity of the Theotokos -- First & Second Liturgy Antiphons, Third Antiphon
9: Ss Joachim & Anna -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
10: Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Theotokos -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
11: Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Theotokos -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
13: Prefeast of the Cross and Church of the Resurrection -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
14: Third Antiphon of the Cross Liturgy
15: Afterfeast of the Cross -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
16: Afterfeast of the Cross & St Euphemia -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
17: Afterfeast of the Cross (Lord I have cried & Aposticha) (Saturday Vespers)
18: Afterfeast of the Cross (Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
19: Afterfeast of the Cross -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
20: Afterfeast of the Cross and St Eustathios -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
22: Apostle Quandratos & Hieromartyr Phocas -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers)
23: Conception of John the Baptist (Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
24: St Thekla & St Silouan Lord I have cried & Apostica (Saturday Vespers) and Troparion
24: St Silouan Troparion
25: St Euphrosyne -- Lord I have cried & Troparion (Saturday Vespers)
26: Repose of St John -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
27: St Kallistratos -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers)
29: St Kyriakos Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
30: St Gregory -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
2: Martyr Mamas Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
3: King Edward Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
3: St Theoctistus -- Troparion
4: Hieromartyr Babylas -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
5: Zachariah & Elizabeth -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
6: Archangel Michael -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
8: Nativity of the Theotokos -- First & Second Liturgy Antiphons, Third Antiphon
9: Ss Joachim & Anna -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
10: Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Theotokos -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
11: Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Theotokos -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
13: Prefeast of the Cross and Church of the Resurrection -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
14: Third Antiphon of the Cross Liturgy
15: Afterfeast of the Cross -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
16: Afterfeast of the Cross & St Euphemia -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
17: Afterfeast of the Cross (Lord I have cried & Aposticha) (Saturday Vespers)
18: Afterfeast of the Cross (Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
19: Afterfeast of the Cross -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
20: Afterfeast of the Cross and St Eustathios -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
22: Apostle Quandratos & Hieromartyr Phocas -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers)
23: Conception of John the Baptist (Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
24: St Thekla & St Silouan Lord I have cried & Apostica (Saturday Vespers) and Troparion
24: St Silouan Troparion
25: St Euphrosyne -- Lord I have cried & Troparion (Saturday Vespers)
26: Repose of St John -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
27: St Kallistratos -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers)
29: St Kyriakos Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
30: St Gregory -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
1: St Ananias and St Romanos -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers) and St Ananias Troparion
2: Saints Cyprian & Justina -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
3: St Dionysios -- Lord I have cried and Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
4: St Hierotheos -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers)
6: Apostle Thomas -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers) and Troparion & Kontakion
6: St Innocent -- Magnification
7: Ss Sergius & Bacchus -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
8: St Pelagia -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
9: St James son of Alphaeus -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
10: Martyrs Eulampios & Eulampia -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
Sunday (Mid-October) of the Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council Lord I have cried (Obikhod marked text) & Aposticha
Another version of Sunday of the 7th Council: 7th Ecumenical Council -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
13: St Jacob of Hamatoura -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
13: St Jacob of Hamatoura -- Troparion
18: Apostle Luke -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
19: St John of Ryla -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Daily (Great) Vespers)
20: St Artemius -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
21: Venerable Hilarion -- Lord I have cried
21: St Hilarion the Great -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
22: St Averkios & Seven Sleepers of Ephesus -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
23: Apostle James -- Lord I have cried; Apostle James -- Aposticha
23: Apostle James -- Matins Kathisma Hymns; Apostle James -- Matins Praises stichera
24: Joy of all who sorrow icon -- Matins Sedalen
24: Great Martyr Arethas -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
25: Martyrs Marcion & Martyrios -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
27: Afterfeast of St Demetrius -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
28: St Job of Pochaev -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
29: St Anastasia the Roman -- Lord I have cried
30: Ss Zenobius & Zenobia -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers)
31: St John Kochurov -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
2: Saints Cyprian & Justina -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
3: St Dionysios -- Lord I have cried and Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
4: St Hierotheos -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers)
6: Apostle Thomas -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers) and Troparion & Kontakion
6: St Innocent -- Magnification
7: Ss Sergius & Bacchus -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
8: St Pelagia -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
9: St James son of Alphaeus -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
10: Martyrs Eulampios & Eulampia -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
Sunday (Mid-October) of the Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council Lord I have cried (Obikhod marked text) & Aposticha
Another version of Sunday of the 7th Council: 7th Ecumenical Council -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
13: St Jacob of Hamatoura -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
13: St Jacob of Hamatoura -- Troparion
18: Apostle Luke -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
19: St John of Ryla -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Daily (Great) Vespers)
20: St Artemius -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
21: Venerable Hilarion -- Lord I have cried
21: St Hilarion the Great -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
22: St Averkios & Seven Sleepers of Ephesus -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
23: Apostle James -- Lord I have cried; Apostle James -- Aposticha
23: Apostle James -- Matins Kathisma Hymns; Apostle James -- Matins Praises stichera
24: Joy of all who sorrow icon -- Matins Sedalen
24: Great Martyr Arethas -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
25: Martyrs Marcion & Martyrios -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
27: Afterfeast of St Demetrius -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
28: St Job of Pochaev -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
29: St Anastasia the Roman -- Lord I have cried
30: Ss Zenobius & Zenobia -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers)
31: St John Kochurov -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
1: Unmercenaries Cosmas & Damian -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
3: Three Persian Martyrs and St George -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
4: St Joannicius the Great -- Lord I haved cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
5: Ss Galaktion & Episteme -- Lord I have cried
6: St Paul the Confessor -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
7: St Lazarus -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
8: Synaxis of the Archangels -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
9: St Nectarios -- Lord I have cried,
9: St Nectarios -- Litya
9: St Nectarios -- Aposticha (Glory)
9: St Nectarios -- Magnification
10: Six Apostles of the 70 and Great-Martyr Orestes -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers)
11: St Menas -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
12: St John the Almsgiver -- Lord I have cried
13: St John Chrysostom -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
14: Apostle Philip -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
15: Martyrs Guria, Shamuna & Habib -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
16: Apostle Matthew -- Magnification
17: St Gregory the Wonderworker of Neo-Caesarea -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
18: Martyrs Romanos and Plato -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
19: Prophet Obadiah & Martyr Barlaam -- Lord I have cried
20: Forefeast of the Entrance of the Theotokos -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
20: Forefeast of the Entrance of the Theotokos and St Gregory -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
21: Entrance of the Theotokos -- Liturgy Antiphons
22: Afterfeast of the Entrance of the Theotokos -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
24: Afterfeast of the Entrance of the Theotokos -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
25: St Katherine -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
26: St Alypios -- Lord I have cried
28: St Stephen the New Martyr -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Glory)
29: St Paramonos -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
Thanksgiving -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Antiochian Orthodox)
Thanksgiving -- Troparion & Theotokion (Antiochian Orthodox)
30: Apostle Andrew -- Magnification
3: Three Persian Martyrs and St George -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
4: St Joannicius the Great -- Lord I haved cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
5: Ss Galaktion & Episteme -- Lord I have cried
6: St Paul the Confessor -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
7: St Lazarus -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
8: Synaxis of the Archangels -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
9: St Nectarios -- Lord I have cried,
9: St Nectarios -- Litya
9: St Nectarios -- Aposticha (Glory)
9: St Nectarios -- Magnification
10: Six Apostles of the 70 and Great-Martyr Orestes -- Lord I have cried (Saturday Vespers)
11: St Menas -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
12: St John the Almsgiver -- Lord I have cried
13: St John Chrysostom -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
14: Apostle Philip -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
15: Martyrs Guria, Shamuna & Habib -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
16: Apostle Matthew -- Magnification
17: St Gregory the Wonderworker of Neo-Caesarea -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
18: Martyrs Romanos and Plato -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
19: Prophet Obadiah & Martyr Barlaam -- Lord I have cried
20: Forefeast of the Entrance of the Theotokos -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
20: Forefeast of the Entrance of the Theotokos and St Gregory -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
21: Entrance of the Theotokos -- Liturgy Antiphons
22: Afterfeast of the Entrance of the Theotokos -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
24: Afterfeast of the Entrance of the Theotokos -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
25: St Katherine -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
26: St Alypios -- Lord I have cried
28: St Stephen the New Martyr -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Glory)
29: St Paramonos -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
Thanksgiving -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Antiochian Orthodox)
Thanksgiving -- Troparion & Theotokion (Antiochian Orthodox)
30: Apostle Andrew -- Magnification
2: Prophet Habakkuk -- Lord I have cried
3: Prophet Zephaniah -- Lord I have cried
4: St Barbara & St John of Damascus -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
5: St Sabbas -- Lord I have cried, Litia, & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
6: St Nicholas -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
8: St Patapius -- Lord I have cried
9: Conception of the Theotokos -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
10: Martyrs Menas, Eugraphos & Hermogenes -- Lord I have cried
15: St Eleutherios -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers) and Troparion
Two Sundays before Christmas -- Ancestors of Christ -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Glory)
One Sunday before Christmas -- Genealogy -- Lord I have cried and Aposticha (2017)
Royal Hours of Christmas (excerpts, no troparion or kontakion included)
Christmas Vespers (Antiochian)
Christmas Troparion (Byzantine)
Sunday after Christmas -- Saturday Vespers
3: Prophet Zephaniah -- Lord I have cried
4: St Barbara & St John of Damascus -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
5: St Sabbas -- Lord I have cried, Litia, & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
6: St Nicholas -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
8: St Patapius -- Lord I have cried
9: Conception of the Theotokos -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers)
10: Martyrs Menas, Eugraphos & Hermogenes -- Lord I have cried
15: St Eleutherios -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Saturday Vespers) and Troparion
Two Sundays before Christmas -- Ancestors of Christ -- Lord I have cried & Aposticha (Glory)
One Sunday before Christmas -- Genealogy -- Lord I have cried and Aposticha (2017)
Royal Hours of Christmas (excerpts, no troparion or kontakion included)
Christmas Vespers (Antiochian)
Christmas Troparion (Byzantine)
Sunday after Christmas -- Saturday Vespers